What Are the Most Common Causes of TBI?

What Are the Most Common Causes of TBI?

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a serious concern, often resulting from sudden and severe impacts to the head. Understanding the most common causes of TBI is crucial, not just from a medical standpoint but also for seeking legal remedies in cases involving another party's wrongdoing.

If you or a loved one has experienced a traumatic brain injury due to someone else's negligence, it is essential to consult with a Traumatic Brain Injury lawyer to explore your legal options and pursue rightful compensation.

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Falls are one of the most common causes of TBIs, particularly affecting specific age groups. Statistically, they lead to the highest number of TBI-related emergency department visits and hospitalizations.

Falls are notably prevalent in children younger than four and adults aged 75 years and older. For older adults, especially those over 75, falls are not just a leading cause of TBI-related hospital visits but also one of the leading causes of TBI-related deaths​​.

In legal terms, when falls resulting in TBIs occur due to someone else's negligence, such as unsafe property conditions or inadequate care in nursing homes, victims may have grounds for compensation. Pursuing legal action with the help of a lawyer can allow you to recover for medical expenses, ongoing care costs, and other damages resulting from the injury.

Most Common Causes of TBI

Vehicle-related collisions are a notable cause of TBIs, contributing to a substantial number of cases and being particularly deadly among certain age groups. They are one of the leading causes of TBI-related deaths among children and young adults. This statistic highlights the severe nature of TBIs resulting from vehicle collisions and the need for greater attention to this issue​​.

When a TBI is the result of a vehicle-related collision, particularly if it involves another party's reckless or negligent driving, legal recourse may be necessary. Victims and their families can seek compensation for medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost income, and other damages. In these cases, the assistance of a car accident lawyer becomes a huge advantage.

A lawyer experienced in such cases can:

  • Assess the circumstances of the accident to determine liability.
  • Collect and present evidence to support the claim.
  • Negotiate with insurance companies to ensure fair compensation.
  • Represent the victim's interests in court if necessary.

Violence or Gunshot Wounds

Violence and gunshot wounds are significant causes of TBIs, with considerable legal implications for the victims. Over 20 years, the nation saw 77,602 firearm-related TBI homicides. Firearms were involved in 68% of all TBI homicides.

Acts of violence, including physical assaults and gunshot wounds, can result in TBIs through direct trauma to the head. Such injuries can range from mild concussions to severe brain damage, depending on the nature and extent of the force involved. Gunshot wounds, in particular, are often associated with severe and life-threatening TBIs due to the penetrating nature of the injury.

In the context of legal recourse, victims of TBIs caused by violence or gunshot wounds often face complex legal situations. The perpetrator's criminal liability is a primary concern in such cases.

However, victims also have the right to pursue civil personal injury claims against the perpetrator or responsible parties. This legal path allows them to seek compensation for the damages they have suffered, including medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Seeking legal advice in these situations is crucial. A lawyer with experience in personal injury and TBI cases can provide valuable assistance. They can help you move your case through the legal system, gather necessary evidence, and represent your interests in seeking justice and compensation. Given the complexity and potential severity of TBIs caused by violence and gunshot wounds, having skilled legal representation is often essential for achieving a fair outcome.

The role of a lawyer in such cases is not only to provide legal representation but also to offer support and guidance through what can be a challenging and emotional process. For victims, understanding their rights and the available legal options is a critical step toward recovery and ensuring that those responsible are held accountable.

Sports Injuries

Injuries in sports, particularly in contact sports like football, hockey, and soccer, can lead to traumatic brain injuries. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 283,000 children seek care in U.S. emergency departments every year due to sports or recreation-related TBIs. Contact sports like football, basketball, cycling, and playground activities account for 45% of these visits to the emergency room.

When a TBI in sports results from another party's negligence, legal action may be a viable option. Negligence in this context could involve inadequate safety equipment, improper coaching practices, or failure to adhere to safety protocols. In such situations, the victims or their families might have grounds to pursue a personal injury claim against responsible parties, which can include coaches, sports organizations, or equipment manufacturers.

Legal action in the case of sports-related TBIs is not just about seeking financial compensation; it's also about holding responsible parties accountable for their actions or inactions that led to the injury.

A lawyer with a background in sports injuries and TBIs can help navigate such cases. They can assist in gathering evidence, proving negligence, negotiating with insurance companies, and representing the victim's interests in court if necessary.

The compensation sought in these cases can cover a range of damages, including medical bills, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Given the potential long-term impact of TBIs, these legal actions play a foundational role in securing the necessary resources for the victim's recovery and future well-being.

Military Attacks or Bomb Blasts

TBIs among military personnel, often resulting from military attacks or bomb blasts, represent a significant health concern within the armed forces. The nature of military service, especially during combat, exposes service members to unique risks, including the high potential for TBIs from events such as improvised explosive device (IED) blasts, mortar attacks, and other explosive incidents.

From 2000-2017, nearly 400,000 military personnel were diagnosed with a TBI. These incidents can cause concussions, penetrating head injuries, or more severe TBIs, leading to a range of short- and long-term health issues.

The complexity of addressing TBIs in a military context is heightened by the need to go through the military compensation systems and veteran affairs departments.

These systems provide support and benefits to service members who suffer injuries, including TBIs, while serving. However, the process of claiming these benefits can be confusing and drawn out, especially while coping with the consequences of a TBI.

Legal counsel plays a massive role in these situations.

Lawyers with a background in military law and veteran's benefits can provide valuable assistance in several ways:

  • Navigating the Claims Process: Understanding and navigating the claims process within the military compensation system or the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) can be challenging. An experienced lawyer can guide service members through the intricate process, helping them understand their eligibility for benefits and the types of compensation available.
  • Gathering Necessary Documentation: Successful TBI claims often require extensive medical documentation and evidence linking the injury to military service. Legal counsel can assist in gathering the necessary medical records, expert opinions, and other evidence to support the claim.
  • Appealing Denied Claims: If a claim for TBI-related benefits is initially denied, a lawyer can assist in appealing the decision. This may involve preparing additional documentation, representing the service member at appeal hearings, and providing legal arguments to support the claim.
  • Addressing Long-Term Needs: TBIs can have lasting impacts, potentially requiring long-term medical care, rehabilitation, and support. Legal counsel can help ensure that the compensation and benefits awarded appropriately reflect these long-term needs.
  • Coordinating with Civilian Legal Claims: In some cases, there might be grounds for civilian legal claims in addition to military compensation. This can occur, for example, if a TBI was exacerbated by negligence in medical care or if there are issues related to defective protective equipment provided by civilian contractors. A lawyer can help explore all possible legal avenues for compensation and support.

For military personnel who have suffered TBIs due to combat-related activities, the aftermath can be a challenging legal journey. Legal counsel offers essential guidance and representation in these unique and complex cases, helping service members and veterans secure the benefits and support they deserve. This legal support is necessary not only for addressing immediate health and financial concerns but also for ensuring long-term care and quality of life after service.

In many TBI cases, seeking legal counsel is the most important and beneficial step a victim can take. A lawyer can offer the following:

Importance of Legal Counsel

Case Assessment

Case assessment in the context of a traumatic brain injury involves a thorough evaluation of the circumstances surrounding the injury to determine if there is a viable claim against a potentially negligent party. This first step sets the foundation for any legal action.

A lawyer with experience in TBI cases will review the accident details, the extent of the injuries, and any contributing factors. They will consider the applicable laws and precedents, assessing the degree of negligence and the damages incurred. This assessment is fundamental in devising a strategy for the case, identifying responsible parties, and setting realistic expectations for the outcome.

Evidence Gathering

Gathering evidence is the next step in building a strong case for a TBI claim. It involves methodically collecting all relevant information that can support the claim. This includes obtaining police or accident reports, which provide an official account of the incident, and collecting statements from witnesses to corroborate the victim's version of events.

Medical records are crucial as they document the extent of the injuries and the treatments received, forming the basis for claiming medical expenses. In some cases, you may need expert witnesses, such as accident reconstruction specialists or medical professionals, to establish how the accident occurred and the impact of the injuries. This comprehensive approach to evidence gathering is one of the keys to building a strong case.

Compensation Negotiation

Compensation negotiation is a complicated but critical part of a TBI claim. This involves dealing with insurance companies and other parties to ensure fair compensation.

Lawyers experienced in TBI cases are skilled in negotiating with insurance companies, understanding their tactics, and advocating for their client's best interests. They will negotiate assertively to secure a fair settlement that adequately covers all damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related expenses.

If the insurance company's offer is unjust, the lawyer will be prepared to negotiate further, leveraging the evidence and legal arguments to strengthen the client's position.

Court Representation

Court representation becomes necessary when negotiations do not lead to a fair settlement or if there are disputes over liability. In such cases, having legal representation is indispensable.

Court proceedings are governed by complex rules and procedures, and a lawyer experienced in TBI cases will navigate these on your behalf. They will prepare and file the necessary legal documents, represent you at hearings, and argue the case before the judge and jury. They will present the evidence gathered, cross-examine witnesses, and make compelling legal arguments to advocate for your rights.

Having legal representation is the best way to effectively present your case and maximize the chances of a favorable outcome. Legal representation in court ensures that your case is presented in the most compelling manner possible, leveling the playing field against well-resourced insurance companies and defendants.

Contingency Fees

Contingency fees have become an integral aspect of personal injury law, playing a key role in making legal services accessible, especially for those dealing with the aftermath of traumatic brain injuries. This fee arrangement is particularly beneficial for victims who might be facing significant financial burdens due to medical expenses and loss of income.

Under a contingency fee agreement, a personal injury lawyer's payment is directly contingent upon the successful resolution of your case, either through a settlement or a court verdict. Essentially, this means that the lawyer will only receive payment if they succeed in obtaining compensation for you.

The fee is usually a predetermined percentage of the total compensation awarded. This percentage can vary based on the complexity of the case, the lawyer's experience, and other factors.

The contingency fee model is advantageous for several reasons:

  • No Upfront Costs: TBI cases can be financially draining. With contingency fees, you don't have to worry about upfront legal costs. This removes a significant barrier that many individuals face when seeking legal representation.
  • Risk Transfer: The risk of the case is transferred from the client to the lawyer. If the case is unsuccessful, the lawyer does not receive a fee, which motivates them to work diligently to ensure a positive outcome.
  • Aligning Interests: This fee structure aligns the lawyer's interests with your own. Since the lawyer's payment depends on the successful resolution of your case, they are incentivized to maximize your compensation.
  • Access to Justice: Contingency fees democratize access to legal services. Individuals who might not have the means to pay a lawyer hourly can still seek justice and compensation for their injuries.
  • Encourages Meritorious Claims: Lawyers are less likely to take on cases with little chance of success on a contingency basis. This means that if a lawyer agrees to take your case on these terms, it likely has merit.
  • Client-Lawyer Trust: This fee arrangement can build trust between you and your lawyer. Since both parties have a vested interest in the success of the case, it fosters a collaborative relationship.
  • Professional Evaluation: Lawyers working on contingency fees will thoroughly evaluate your case's viability before taking it on. This ensures that your case is assessed professionally before proceeding.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that your lawyer is motivated to achieve the best possible outcome provides peace of mind during what is often a challenging and stressful time.

It's important to have a clear agreement with your lawyer regarding the contingency fee arrangement. This includes understanding the percentage to be charged, how expenses are handled (such as court fees, obtaining medical records, etc.), and what happens in case of a settlement or a court verdict.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer for Your TBI Case

If you or someone close to you has suffered a TBI due to another party's negligence or wrongful actions, you are not alone in this challenging time. The path to recovery, both medically and legally, can be intricate and demanding. By consulting with a lawyer experienced in handling TBI cases, you take an essential first step toward seeking justice and fair compensation.

Each TBI case presents its unique set of challenges. A skilled lawyer will provide valuable guidance through the legal process, from evaluating the merits of your case to filing insurance claims and representing you during court proceedings.

They will work to ensure that all aspects of your injury, including current and future medical expenses, loss of income, pain and suffering, and the long-term impact on your quality of life, are thoroughly accounted for in your claim.

A personal injury lawyer can offer much-needed support and reassurance during what can be an emotionally taxing time. They will handle the legal burdens, allowing you and your family to focus on recovery and rehabilitation.

Remember, hiring a personal injury lawyer early in the process can be the key to the success of your case, ensuring that your rights are protected and your voice is heard in the pursuit of justice and compensation.

Gabriel Levin Author Image

Gabriel Levin - Attorney

Gabriel Levin is a highly experienced and credible attorney with over 10 years of practice in Pennsylvania. Known for his tenacity, he has represented clients in a wide range of civil matters, trying hundreds of cases. He prepares each case as if it will go to trial, ensuring meticulous attention to detail.

Unlike many firms that delegate tasks, Levin personally handles every aspect of a case and maintains open communication with clients throughout. He has secured millions in compensation, making him a reliable choice for those seeking legal representation.

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