
Category: Personal Injury

How Our Lawyers Handle a Travelers Injury Claim? If a Travelers Insurance policy covers injuries you recently suffered, you should expect prompt, full payment for your medical expenses and other financial need ...
How Our Lawyers Handle an American Family Injury Claim? The accident happened. You received expensive treatment for your injuries. The bills are coming in and your doctors expect payment. You get the police report an ...
How Our Lawyers Handle a Nationwide Injury Claim? If you recently sustained injuries in a preventable accident or incident, there’s a good chance insurance (yours or someone else’s) will cover at le ...
Why Is My Accident Settlement Taking So Long? Unfortunately, accident settlements don’t follow a fixed timeline. Various factors can delay the resolution of your claim, and most of them are out of you ...
What Happens in a Personal Injury Lawsuit After the Deposition? After facing a personal injury from an accident due to negligence, you should seek compensation for your losses. Depending on the events leading up to your acci ...
How Much Is My Spinal Cord Injury Worth in a Lawsuit? Being injured and diagnosed with a spinal cord injury is a defining moment. Suddenly, your entire future seems much more uncertain, as one of the essential aspe ...
Can I Sue the City if I Was Hit by a City Bus? If you sustained injuries when a city bus hit you (whether as a pedestrian, cyclist, or motorist), chances are that you have the right to demand compensation fr ...

What Qualifies as Personal Injury?


What Qualifies as Personal Injury? Personal injury cases can happen when someone else’s negligence causes harm, whether it’s an individual, a business, or an institution. Some examples are ge ...

Why Do Insurance Companies Lowball?


Why Do Insurance Companies Lowball? Insurance companies make lowball settlement offers because they want to pay you as little as possible for your injury. They have nothing to lose by offering you ...

What Does a Contingency Fee Mean?


What Does a Contingency Fee Mean? How to Pay a Lawyer When You Don’t Have the Money When you suffer injuries in any accident, it can lead to financial strain. Not only do you have to consider ...