Slip and Fall at Aldi

Lawyer for Slip and Fall at Aldi

Supermarkets like Aldi are places for people to get food and other items they need to buy. The last thing people expect is to experience bodily harm on the property. Nevertheless, a person still faces the potential of a slip and fall accident while they shop.

The store could be responsible for your injury and financial damages. The Levin Firm Personal Injury Lawyers is ready to stand by your side if you need an attorney for a slip and fall at Aldi. We provide thoughtful care while we work to maximize your potential compensation.

Why Choose Us

Lawyer for Slip and Fall at Aldi If you suffered from a slip and fall at Aldi, you might consider taking legal action to get compensation. A slip and fall attorney will be beneficial to your claim. The lawyers at the Levin Firm have helped many clients with their cases. In addition, we have won multiple large settlements.

We are a part of the Top 100 Trial Lawyers and have access to extensive resources. You can trust us to devote ourselves to investigating and building your case. We represent you in court if necessary. Many past clients are satisfied with our work on their slip and fall cases.

Your rights need protection, and we are not afraid to take on defendants like Aldi. Additionally, your attorneys have various skills to support you in the legal preparation of your claim. You can find one of our offices throughout Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Reach out to us to set up a meeting today.

The Levin Firm Personal Injury Lawyers Knows How to Prove a Slip and Fall Accident

Slip and fall accidents are part of the premises liability category. They can happen anywhere, including at an Aldi location. People may be alone when they slip, but liability may fall on someone else.

Since Aldi is a grocery store chain, you could face challenges in proving they are responsible. Hiring a lawyer to take over the claim increases the odds of establishing negligence successfully. A complete investigation can show how Aldi owed you a duty of care.

Grocery stores must keep lawful visitors safe. Aldi should fix hazards in a reasonable time or warn customers of the danger, for example, by using a wet floor sign. If the store fails to do so, it fails in its duty of care.

The grocery store must breach its duty of care which resulted in bodily harm. Fractured hips, broken bones, and traumatic brain injuries are prevalent injuries in slip and fall claims. Your injury may result in one or more damages.

Economic and non-economic damages generally follow a slip or fall. Your lawyer provides evidence of missed wages, medical bills, and pain and suffering to establish your damages. A strong argument can show how Aldi was negligent.

Of course, the other side may fight the claim to avoid a payout. As a result, your lawyer may find a lawsuit necessary. Our attorneys are ready to protect your rights and get you the compensation you need.

Who Pays the Slip-And-Fall Settlement?

The store owner for Aldi is probably the liable party in a slip and fall claim. They carry liability insurance, as most business owners do. After you prove the store was negligent, you can receive money from the insurer instead of the defendant.

The insurance company becomes responsible for the payout. The provider should reimburse you for medical costs and additional losses. However, the insurer may attempt to delay your claim. The adjuster may take a while to respond to a claim or use other tactics to wear you down.

An insurance company also may try to lower how much they owe you. A quick settlement is a common way to get claimants to settle before they know the actual value of their case. One of our personal injury attorneys can protect your rights and fight for fair compensation.

Who Is Liable?

Falls account for about 15 percent of accident deaths. Therefore, even major grocery chains like Aldi must keep customers safe. The business can be liable if it does not complete its duty of care to visitors.

Negligence occurs when a store owner or employee makes the surroundings unsafe or if they should have reasonably known about the hazard. You might be eligible for compensation if a worker did not remove the dangerous condition in time.

Nevertheless, you may not know who to file an injury claim against after an incident. The store owner is usually responsible for any injuries on the premises. You could take legal action against them even if an employee was negligent in your specific accident.

Alternatively, you can hold the property owner liable in a slip and fall claim. They must inspect the property regularly and provide maintenance. The Levin Firm Personal Injury Lawyers can find out who owes you compensation and represent you in your claim against Aldi.

What Evidence Proves Liability?

The injured party receives compensation when they prove the other side was negligent. They must meet each element of negligence to do so. One way to establish liability is to gather sufficient evidence. Some evidence should depict the incident itself.

Aldi likely had a security camera in the location where the slip and fall happened. The footage shows how the workers did not fix the issue in time to prevent the accident. Besides a video recording, you can use images. You may have taken photos of the scene soon after the fall.

The pictures depict the type of debris on the ground or if the area lacked a wet floor sign. Additionally, images can include any visible injuries you sustained. You can document the recovery process to show how extensive the bodily harm was.

Witness testimonies provide valuable evidence as well. A third-party’s account supports your argument that the store failed to secure the area. You can get their names right after the incident, and your lawyer may contact them for a statement.

Bills and receipts are evidence since they prove the injury led to financial losses. Compile evidence of all the expenses you must pay for your recovery. Additional costs can contribute to the slip and fall claim. The fall could have caused a broken phone or watch. The receipt of repairs or a replacement proves the accident resulted in damages.

Possible Defenses in an Aldi Slip and Fall Claim

Grocery stores must protect customers from slip, trip, and fall injuries. A slow response time or lack of proper warnings makes them liable for damages. However, Aldi is not automatically accountable. While you work to prove negligence, the supermarket may defend itself.

Open and Obvious Danger

The defendant or insurance company could state that the hazard was obvious. The argument claims the injured party should have noticed the unsafe condition. As a result, they should have chosen a different path to avoid the accident.

Of course, the danger must have been noticeable to the average person. For instance, if another observant customer could have seen and avoided the issue if they were in the same situation, you may be ineligible to seek damages. Your attorney can help determine your chances of proving liability.

Not Enough Time to Respond

The injured party must prove the store was aware of the hazard but did not timely respond. However, the defendant could say they did not have enough time to know about the danger. For instance, the liquid might not have been on the ground long enough for an employee to see it.

Camera footage and witness testimony can disprove the defendant’s argument. Your lawyer may find other ways to prove the store should have reasonably known about the condition. You could still get compensation no matter what the other side throws at you.

How Our Aldi Slip and Fall Lawyers Can Help You

Supermarkets like Aldi may try to fight your injury claim. In addition to dealing with an aggressive defense, the complicated legal system makes the process more stressful. A slip and fall attorney alleviates a lot of the stress and manages the diverse aspects of a claim to increase your chance of sufficient compensation.

Files Documents on Time

A lawyer is beneficial in how they ensure your case meets deadlines. For instance, the statute of limitations strictly limits how long someone has to file a claim. Places like Pennsylvania give people two years. The court will likely turn down a case if you file past the deadline.

When you hire an attorney, they devote their time and effort to your claim. They know what paperwork to complete and how to submit them on time.

What Prevents the Defendant From Downplaying the Incident?

The other side may downplay your injuries to reduce your claim value. The defendant could utilize anything you say or do to limit the payout. Courts generally allow the use of social media posts to do this. The negligent party may search your accounts for any indication that your injury is not severe.

An attorney knows how the opposing side may downplay the accident. They can defend you and your chance at compensation. Hire a slip and fall lawyer immediately, so they have enough time to investigate your case. Our staff knows what evidence and other factors may increase the value of your claim.

Hires an Expert Witness

Some slip and fall cases require the testimony of an expert witness. An expert witness has knowledge and experience in a specific field of work. They can be engineers, or your lawyer may get a maintenance professional.

Usually, a slip and fall claim does not require an expert if a spilled liquid led to the accident. Instead, their testimony becomes necessary if liability involves questions about building codes. Otherwise, you may not need an expert witness.

Our slip and fall lawyers have networks of various expert witnesses. We can hire one if we believe your claim can benefit from their statement.

Call Us Today

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Philadelphia Slip and Fall Accident Attorney | Gabriel Levin

Anyone can suffer from a slip and fall at commercial places like Aldi. Many people have to deal with the effects of an accident, and the consequences can be long-lasting. If you had an accident at an Aldi, you do not have to handle the matter alone.

The Levin Firm Personal Injury Lawyers has plenty of experience with Aldi slip and fall claims. We are ready to take on defendants like Aldi to seek compensation for your losses. Contact us online at your earliest convenience to review your claim, or call us at (215) 825-5183. A consultation with us is free.