Levin Injury Blog

​What Is the Average Payout for a Roundup Lawsuit? If you were diagnosed with cancer or another medical condition due to Roundup exposure, you may want to know how to obtain compensation for your suffering. In r ...
​What Cancers or Illnesses Does Roundup Cause? You’ve likely heard of the lawsuits and controversy concerning Roundup. The product, one of the world’s most widely used herbicides, kills weeds. Its main i ...
​Has Anyone Won a Lawsuit Against Roundup? Roundup has been the subject of controversy for several years. Monsanto developed the product and mass-produced it in the United States in 1974 as an herbicide ...
How Are Personal Injury Damages Calculated? When an accident occurs due to someone’s negligence, many people believe that their insurance company pays out the limit on their liability policy for injurie ...

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Suit?


Who Can File a Wrongful Death Suit? There is no quick or easy answer for dealing with the pain of losing a close family member in a tragic accident. However, there is an answer for who may file a ...

Do Lawyers Lie About Settlements?


Do Lawyers Lie About Settlements? After an accident or injury, surround yourself with people you trust. Friends and family are excellent resources when providing support and offering guidance. H ...

Do Personal Injury Lawyers Go to Court?


Do Personal Injury Lawyers Go to Court? Are you struggling after an accident? Are you worried about how you will pay your bills and focus on your recovery? Was the accident someone else’s fault? If ...
​Do Insurance Companies Pay Pain and Suffering? Accidents can leave you feeling a wide range of emotions. Shock, fear, and pain are all common responses to an unexpected accident. But while these feelings are ...
Can You Sue for a Dog Bite in Pennsylvania? Dogs appear fun-loving and provide companionship for many people across the country. However, dogs may also bite a person for various reasons, and since canines ...
​What Are the Steps in a Personal Injury Lawsuit? If you suffered injuries because of negligence or intentional harm, you might take legal action. Most people have never filed a personal injury claim before, so ...