TBIs Can Be Caused by a Variety of Accidents

TBIs Can Be Caused by a Variety of Accidents

TBI Attorneys in PA Traumatic brain injuries,1 or TBIS, are among the most serious kinds of injuries a person can sustain. They can occur when you hit your head on another object with sufficient force or even when your head snaps back and forth on your neck. The most common form of TBI is known as a concussion, and more severe brain injuries often leave victims with cognitive and physical disabilities that can last a lifetime. Additionally, even repetitive mild TBIs have been linked to serious issues like Parkinson’s disease and early-onset Alzheimer’s disease.

Many TBIs are the result of accidents caused by the negligence of other people, which means that victims are entitled to compensation for their losses. Here are some of the more common accidents that have the potential to leave individuals with brain injuries.

Car Accidents

People are involved in car accidents on a daily basis in the Philadelphia area. Even in the best of circumstances, a car wreck can easily involve forces that cause a vehicle occupant to hit his or her head on the dashboard, windshield or other surfaces. In more serious cases, victims are thrown through windshields and end up hitting the ground or another vehicle.

Slip and Falls

Most people think of slip and falls as minor accidents that cause only minor injuries like bumps and bruises. While it is certainly true that most slip and fall victims can walk away from their accidents, if they happen in a certain way, victims can end up hitting their heads on the ground or another object as they fall.

Bicycle Accidents

Bicyclists are among the most vulnerable people on the road. In accidents, they can easily be thrown from their vehicles and end up hitting their heads on the ground, cars, or even nearby objects like buildings or trees. Furthermore, TBIs can occur even when bicycle accident victims are wearing helmets and other safety gear.

Workplace Injuries

Many TBIs occur at work. While it may seem obvious that people who work in high-risk industries, such as construction or manufacturing, are at risk for brain injuries, you should keep in mind that even people who work behind a desk can hit their heads while they are at work. Importantly, while many workplace injuries limit people to workers’ compensation2 claims, there are plenty of circumstances under which a workplace injury gives rise to a personal injury claim. Some of the more common include the following:

  • Accidents caused by third-party contractors
  • Accidents caused by defective workplace tools
  • Accidents caused by the intentional conduct of an employer

Call a Philadelphia Personal Injury Attorney Today to Discuss Your Case

If you have sustained a traumatic brain injury in an accident caused by the negligence of another person, you should contact a lawyer as soon as possible. At The Levin Firm Personal Injury Lawyers, we are committed to providing brain injury victims with effective and solution-oriented legal representation. To schedule a free consultation with one of our lawyers, call our office today at 215-285-5183 or contact us online.

  1. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/traumatic-brain-injury/basics/definition/con-20029302
  2. http://www.dli.pa.gov/Businesses/Compensation/WC/Pages/About-Workers%27-Compensation.aspx