Levin Injury Blog

7 Hit and Run Auto Accident Tips


7 Hit and Run Auto Accident Tips If a hit and run driver injured you, you might wonder what options you have for compensation. Who will pay for your medical expenses, lost wages, and other dama ...
When to Hire an Attorney After a Car Accident Do you know when to hire an attorney after a car accident? The simplest answer is to hire an attorney if you or anyone else suffered injury or damage after a ca ...
How Much Compensation For a Pedestrian Accident Can Someone Get? The average compensation for a pedestrian accident, based on accident settlements in recent years, can range from the tens of thousands for minor injuries, such ...

Wrongful Death Statute of Limitations


Wrongful Death Statute of Limitations Losing a loved one unexpectedly isn’t just difficult mentally and emotionally, but also financially. For this reason, many families of wrongful death victims ...

Car Accidents on I-676


Car Accidents on I-676 Philadelphia is one of the largest cities in the United States, sitting at the number six spot, just behind other major cities like New York and Los Angeles. Wi ...
What Can a Lawyer Do for You After a Car Accident? After a car accident you may have suffered injuries that may have left you unable to work and live life as normal, and you might also have to deal with mounting ...
The Top 10 Most Common Causes of Car Accidents There are many causes of car accidents. However, some collisions occur more often than others. If you suffered an injury in a car accident, it is important to u ...
What Happens in a Car Accident Lawsuit? When a car accident hurts you, you may have options for pursuing necessary compensation. One of the ways you can seek justice and monetary recovery is through a ...

How Do You Prove Premises Liability?


How Do You Prove Premises Liability? When you suffer harm on another’s property, you may face extensive injuries and a long road to recovery, along with serious financial burdens. For this reason ...

Carpal Tunnel Benefits


Carpal Tunnel Benefits Developing carpal tunnel can be uncomfortable and frustrating. It can also interfere with your ability to work and earn a living. Therefore, if you now have car ...
Filing a Wrongful Death Claim After a Car Accident Handling the death of a loved one is one of life’s greatest challenges. The pain can be even greater when their death is unnecessary, such as when a loved one ...